Game Design Classes

Diving Into the World of Game Development: Introduction to Gamemaker

Students will learn to use GameMaker, a real game engine used by professionals in the industry! They will be introduced to event-based programming with the drag and drop features of GameMaker. Students will learn many important game development and programming skills, including variables, coordinates, conditionals, and more. These skills will be transferable to other popular programming languages, including Java and C++. Using these new skills, students will create a fully functioning side-scrolling action game that they can take home and let their friends and family play.

Students are required to have basic computer skills, including switching between windows and saving or downloading files. It’s recommended you have some familiarity with programming, such as with our PDL Coding classes. However, no experience is actually necessary! We will introduce complete beginners to coding and GameMaker and give thorough instructions.

Class Duration: 120 minutes (5 Sessions)

Price: $249